Author: Paul

The Moon is nearly full

Waxing Gibbous Moon (97.4% full):

I know this is a pretty plain, uneventful photo, but nonetheless I feel compelled to give a shout-out to the fine folks at PhotoPills.  PhotoPills is one hell of an app—most photographers use it to create stunning astronomical photos, but I’m just getting started with the app, so it’s enough that it let me know when the Moon would appear on the back side of my house where I’m shielded from street lights… Thanks!


This is our son, Justin, just getting home from work about six weeks ago.

Last night he finished moving out into his own place, marking the end of an era… bittersweet.

Cassidy, my beautiful girl

Remembering my beautiful girl, Cassidy, two months after her passing.  Gone, but she will never—ever—be forgotten.

Bottles and Stones

Here it comes…


Storms coming.



Our German shepherd, Sundance, wondering what that black box in my hands is…  😉

Here goes nothing…

And so begins this grand experiment…